This is not David Beckham, the famous soccer player. It's a dog :p No offence to David Beckham, it just happened that the ex-owner gave him this name.
Beckham is a Shih Tzu who was adopted by my neighbour Roseline and now adopted by me. He was left in a pet shop by the 1st owner who didn't return to collect him. Roseline's sister has a share in that pet shop and she asked Roseline if she wanted to try adopting him few years back. So Roseline started to adopt Beckham for 2 years (I think).
Roseline and I are quite close neighbour as we were in the council. When I first encounter Beckham, he didn't really catch my eye cos he's just a dog to me and there's no bonding. I've never developed any liking for other's dog except for my own dog Happy who passed away few years back at age of around 17. He was also an adopted dog.
My wife Joyce always wanted pets at home (cats or dogs). But I do not want to have any pet. I know how troublesome is it to have a pet at home. I know how attached you can be to the pet until you've got difficulty going out of the house or going for holiday. I know how upset you'll be when it passed away. Having pet at home was never my agenda since our marriage. However, being a loving husband :p I'll not just say no way... Only will discourage her.
One fine day on 13 Sep 2007, Roseline MSN me asking if I wanted to rent out my house cos property market was very good. Roseline has just became a property agent. I told her that I'll have no place to stay then. She causually mentioned that I can rent her storeroom and I said that the storeroom is meant for her dog. Then she said that she's getting rid of her dog.
I thought she was joking. After a while, I tried to confirm with her again and she said that someone interested going over the next day to see the dog. Then I told her that my wife is interested in adopting, though I'm not too comfortable with the idea.
We were both working and no one is at home to look after the dog the whole day. Worse still, Beckham is trained not to pee at home and will have to bring him down for a walk around 3 times daily for him to do his business.
Despite all these, we finally adopted Beckham. Roseline started a conversation with intention to get business on property but ended up giving away Beckham for me to adopt who was originally meant for someone who will go over the next day to adopt Beckham. Roseline didn't approach me for adoption of Beckham because I did tell her before that I'm not keen in having pet at home. The timing was perfect and the outcome of this event was so unexpected.
So far, having Beckham in our life is one of the best thing that happened in our marriage.
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