Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost miss the flight to Perth

The Perth trip was planned single handedly by Joyce. It was a very good trip. She did all the bookings, visa application, planning, itinerary, etc.

Our trip was on 17th Nov 2007. That day happened to coincide with the opening of T3 and we were a little late checking in cos her mom took bus to the airport and was delayed a bit probably due to T3 opening.

We were last in the queue to check in to Tiger Airway in the budget terminal. When it's our turn to check it, it was found that there's some problem with my brother-in-law's (Zelin) visa. His year of birth was incorrect. Zelin's birthday and his mom was very close to each other. So during application of Visa, Joyce accidentally keyed in his mom's year of birth for Zelin's birthday.

The counter staff was good and they tried to help us to see if changes can be made and approved by Australia's side. But it was so last minute and our flight was departing. We were waiting anxiously and there's no news with every precious minutes passing by.

We were planning for the worst where Zelin has to go home himself. I gave him some money just in case. It was so upsetting. I asked the rest to broad the flight first when I wait for a few more minutes. It seems like there's no chance to get the Visa approved on time when it's 5 more minutes to flight departure. While the rest are clearing the custom and I'm about to give up, someone came out from the room to give us a go ahead. We ran and the custom officer was very good to clear us very fast. The ground staff ran together with us to broad the flight. All these happened in 5 mins and we managed to catch the flight to Perth although we were almost out of breath.

We were definitely the last to broad the flight :p and luckily it was a budget airline in a budget terminal where we can still catch the flight in 5 mins.

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