Monday, December 22, 2008

Miracles - Act of God

Today, I decided to start blogging again and hopefully this time round I'll be able to continue the blogging habit.

The reason why blogging doesn't work for me is because I don't like to write about my life, and I've nothing interesting to blog about too.

Last week, my church went for a retreat in Sofitel - Malaysia and each of us is supposed to recollect how God has been doing work in our life over the past 1 year. I find that I've got many things to say in that aspect.

So I've decide to blog it down. I'll be blogging about events that I experienced which are either mirales or can be considered as act of God.

Some people may say that it's coincidental. Some may say that it's natural (it's just has to happen that way). Some may say that it's psychological. Some may say that it's pure luck.

Well, I'll put down the experiences in my Journey and see how much luck I have.

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